Which level of Little Sparkz™ should my child start with?

Little Sparkz™ is a two-level program, with Level 1 being more appropriate for 3-4 year old competency levels, and Level 2 being appropriate for 4-5 year old competency levels, however, these ages are just a guideline! To find out if your child should start at Level 1 or Level 2, answer the following questions:

1) Can your child write their name correctly without assistance?

2) Can your child cut along a printed zigzag independently?

3) Can your child count to 20 and recognize numbers 1 – 20 without assistance?

  • If you answered “yes” to all of the above, your child could start at Level 2, although we do recommend working through Level 1 first.
  • If you answered “no” to any of the above, your child should start at Level 1.