Our tutors are exceptional individuals, carefully selected for their strengths in their chosen subjects. They possess excellent subject knowledge and a genuine passion for tutoring and helping learners reach their full potential. Every BrightSparkz tutor undergoes a rigorous screening process that evaluates their character, personality, high school and university results, teaching affinity, and previous tutoring experience.
Many of our tutors are current university students, while others are qualified professionals or in the post-graduate phase of their studies.
Each tutor is interviewed face-to-face and must present a lesson during their interview, allowing our trained interviewers to assess their teaching ability and determine the types of learners they would best support. Before beginning tutoring, our tutors undergo an assessment, and we regularly request client feedback to ensure a consistently excellent experience for both parents and learners. Choose the tutor that suits you best and experience the difference with BrightSparkz.